Today I took another test to discover what my Spiritual Gifts are. This one was called Spiritual Gifts Inventory by Team Ministry. This test was a bit different and it only had 9 possible Spiritual Gifts, the other test had 22. And so, you can imagine, my scores where different because of the different amount of Spiritual Gifts possible on each test.
So, I thought I'd share my top three Spiritual Gifts with you all, according to this test also. My top three Spiritual Gifts are, (in order from highest to lowest score) Exhortation,Teaching, and Administration.
Here are the definitions of each, according to this test.
The Exhorter
The Spirit-given capacity and desire to serve God by motivating others to action by urging them to pursue a course of conduct.
The "how-to" teacher, giving the application of God's Word.
The Teacher
The Spirit-given capacity and desire to serve God by making clear the truth of God's Word with accuracy and simplicity.
The scholar making clear the doctrines and teachings of the Bible.
The Administrator
The Spirit-given capacity and desire to serve God by organizing, administering, promoting and leading the various affairs of the church.
The person who leads the church and its ministries.
The definitions on this test differ from the other. I believe the definition of The Exhorter on this test, goes hand in hand with the definition of Prophet on the other. This test had the Spiritual Gift of Prophet also, but the definition differed a bit. To see the difference visit my first post on 'Spiritual Gifts'. Here is the definition of Prophet according to this test.
The Prophet
The Spirit-given capacity and desire to serve God by proclaiming God's truth.
The hell-fire-brimstone preacher who points out sin.
On the first test I took I also scored high in Craftsmanship and Missionary. These two Spiritual Gifts where not included on the test I took today.
As my pastor said, "We are supposed to be in prayer for God to show us our Spiritual Gifts. This test was just a guide line, not God's Line."
For a free Spiritual Gifts Analysis, visit 'Team Ministry'.
Dignity and Refinement
3 days ago
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